Greed - German Pils

In The Beginning There Was The Wort



BJCP 2015 Style Guidelines state: "Adapted from Czech Pilsner to suit brewing conditions in Germany, particularly water with higher mineralcontent and domestic hop varieties. First brewed in  Germany in the early 1870s. Became more popular after WWII as German brewing schools emphasized modern techniques.
Along with its sister beer, Czech Pilsner, is the ancestor of the most widely produced beer styles today. Average IBUs of many well-regarded commercial examples have dropped over time."


"Pilsener" or just "Pils," as the Germans say, is the most popular beer in Germany and a clear symbol of the large brewing industry. Therefore - "Greed" is the right name.

Let's fight it by drinking our Craft-Pils instead of an industrial, shale liquid.

German Pils


BJCP Style: 5 D


Style: A light-bodied, highly-attenuated, gold-colored, bottom-fermented bitter German beer showing
excellent head retention and an elegant, floral hop aroma.
Crisp, clean, and refreshing, a German Pils showcases the
finest quality German malt and hops.


Vital Statistics:

OG: 1.044 – 1.050

IBUs: 22 – 40

FG: 1.008 – 1.013

SRM: 2 – 5

ABV: 4.4 – 5.2%


Tags: standard-strength, pale-color, bottom-fermented,
lagered, central-europe, traditional-style, pilsner-family, bitter, hoppy